We facilitate the satisfaction of judgments by any legal means necessary. It is our mission to provide a service enforcing what is right and just for the average citizen, who may not otherwise have easy access to effective resources in judgment recovery.
To request a search, please complete and submit the Investigations Order Form. To access the order form, please click here. Thank you for choosing Judgment Enforcement Solution, Inc. as your investigations resource. Our staff is highly trained and we have
Recovery Services
How does it work? You choose a fee structure and assign your judgment to our company for enforcement. Judgment Enforcement Solution, Inc. offers flexibility with fee structure – meaning you decide a fee structure that best suits your needs. We
Investigation is an invaluable tool. Be proactive.
Employment Checks • Bank Searches • Due Diligence

CLICK HERE TO CONTACT USJudgment Enforcement Solution, Inc. specializes in judgment recovery and investigation.Who we are and what we do:It is our mission to provide a service enforcing what is right and just
for the average citizen, who may not otherwise have easy access to
effective resources in judgment recovery. With access to the top
resources in the industry, a nationwide network of attorneys and a
dedicated, highly-experienced staff, we have the tools to help
you recover the money you are owed...Tired of waiting to get paid on your judgment?(877) 879-9880 -
You streamline your workflow.We do the digging.
Discover.Ten useful things to know about your debtorFROM THE BLOGTop 3 scenarios you should hire an investigator10 Reasons to hire a judgment recovery specialist
About Us
Judgment Enforcement Solution, Inc. is built upon a strong foundation of highly-experienced and motivated staff with access to top resources in judgment recovery. We provide quality service to creditors awarded monetary judgments with the goal to facilitate the satisfaction of those judgments by any...
Read more-FROM THE BLOG-
Strategies for Successful Judgment Recovery

You were awarded a monetary judgment. Now what? 1. Wait to act until the end of the appeal period. After a judgment is issued, debtors have a period of time in which they can file an appeal. Beginning your collection
Top Ten List

Our top ten list of excuses debtors have used to not pay their debt…some are of the classic ‘dog ate my homework’ variety, some are hilarious and original. 10. Bill? I never got a bill. 9. My cat got sick.
Low unemployment rate is good news for judgment creditors

The economy is improving, in fact, the unemployment rate has hit a 49-year low, which is good news for everyone, but for judgment creditors this news is extra sweet. More people back in the workforce means your judgment debtor is
Monetary Judgment Case Headed to Supreme Court

The Ohio Supreme Court will soon decide if a wrongfully convicted man will receive the 13.2 million dollars that was awarded to him in a monetary judgment two years ago. David Ayers spent 11 years in prison for the 1999